Lease – William Forster to Thomas Rawlin – 3 Feb 1698

Document Type: Lease
Date: 3 Feb 1698
Correspondent: William Forster
Recipient: Thomas Rawlin
Archive Source: TNA FEC 1 704-7
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3rd day <feb> 1697

       This Indenture Tripartite Made the third day of February in the ninth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord William the third by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the faith the Anno Dies one thousand six hundred ninety and seaven. Between William Forster of Balmbrough in the County of Northumberland Esqr of the first part, Thomas Swynborne of Greys Inn in the County of Middlesex Esqr and Huntley Bigg of the parish of St Martins in the feilds in the said County of Middlesex Gentleman of the second part, and Thomas Rawlin of the City of Durham in the County of Durham Gentleman of the third part

       Whereas the said William Forster by Indenture bearing date the second day of January which was in the fourth year of the Reigne of the Late King James the Second made or mentioned to be made betweene the said William Forster of the one part, and the said Thomas Rawlin one James Emerson then of Dunston in the said County of Durham Gentleman, John Morton then of Harraton in the same County Gentleman, and John Trotter then of the Towne and County of Newcastle upon Tine Merchant of the other part, did Demise grant and to Farme Lett or therein mention to Demise Grant and to Farme let unto the said Thomas Rawlin James Emerson John Morton and John Trotter their Administrators and Assignes All his Mine or Grove vein and veins of Lead or Lead Ore or Lead ure commonly Called or known by the name of Geffreys Grove Situate lying and being within the Lands and Grounds of Blanchland in the County of Northumberland, and which could should or might be found had digged wrought obtained and gotten within the precincts limits and bounds of the said Grove called Jeffreys Grove Together with full and free Liberty power and Authority to digg sink and make pit and pits shaft and shafts and to drive drift and drifts and to make Trench and Trenches Water-gates and water-courses as well for the obtaining and getting of Lead ore and lead ure forth and out of the said Mine or Grove as for the Avoiding conveying and carrying away water and Styth

       Together also with Sufficient and convenient ground-roome and heap-roome for the laying and placing above ground as well as the said Lead Ore and Lead Ure gotten and to be gotten forth and out of the said Mine or Grove as of stone Mettle Earth gravell and Rubbish incident thereunto and likewise full and free liberty of making placeing and setting upon the said lands and grounds all fitting and necessary Engines for drawing carrying and conveying of the said Lead ore and Lead ure water stones gravell earth and rubbish and free liberty of way leave in over and along the said Lands and Grounds of Blanchland aforesaid with horses waines carts and other carriages for the leading carrying and conveying of the said Lead Ore and Lead ure from the Mine and Grove aforesaid, 

       To have and to hold the said mine and Grove veine and veines of Lead ore and Lead ure called Jeffreys Grove aforesaid with the appurtenances and all and singular other the premises above by the said Indenture demised granted and letten or mentioned or intended soe to be demised granted and letten and every part and parcell thereof unto the said Thomas Rawlin James Emerson John Morton and John Trotter there Executors Administrators and Assignes from the tenth day of August which was in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and ninety unto the full end and terme of one and twenty years from thence next ensueing fully to be compleat and ended

Yeilding and Paying therefore from time to time during the said terme unto the said William Forster his heirs or Assignes one full seaventh parte or every seaventh bing load of the said Lead ore or Lead ure which should from time to time be wrought and gotten forth and out of the said Mine or Grove to be delivered at the said Grove cleane and well washed ore or ure as in and by the said in parte recited Indenture Relation being thereunto had more fully doth appear

       And whereas since the making of the said Indenture the said Thomas Emerson John Morton and John Trotter are all dead and the said, and the said [sic] Thomas Rawlin since their death became Intitled to the said Mines Grove vein and veines of lead Lead [sic] and Lead ore or ure and premised and demised in and by the said recited Indenture for and during the Remainder of the said terme yet to come and unexpired

       And whereas in and by one Indenture bearing date the twenty fourth day of June in the eight year of the reigne of our said Soveraigne Lord King William the third made or mentioned to be made Between the said William Forster of the one parte and the said Thomas Swynborne and Huntley Bigg of the other parte the said William Forster for the consideration therein mentioned did grant and convey the said premises mentioned to be dimised by the said William Forster as aforesaid amongst other things to the said Thomas Swyn borne and Huntley Bigg and their heires and assignes in trust and for certain intents and purposes therein mentioned as in and by the said last Recited Indenture duly inrolled in the high Court of Chancery Relation being thereunto had more fully and at large it doth and may appear.

       Now this Indenture witnesseth that the said William Forster and the said Thomas Swynborne and Huntley Bigg by the direction and appointment of the said William Forster Testyfied by his being made a party to these presents and by his signing and sealing the same for and in consideration of Rents and Covenants herein after Received and mentioned on the part and behalf of the said Thomas Rawlin his Executors Administrators and Assigns to be paid and performed and for diverse other good causes and considerations them thereunto moving have and every of them hath Ratifyed and Confirmed and by these presents doe and every of them doth Ratifye and Confirme unto the said Thomas Rawlin his Executors Administrators and Assigns All that the said Recited Indenture of Lease of the said Mine or Grove veine and veines of Lead Lead Ore or Lead Ure commonly called or known by the name of Geffreys Grove situate lying and being within the Lands and Grounds of Blanchland aforesaid in the said County of Northumberland which can shall or may be found had digged wrought obtained and gotten within the precincts Lymits and bounds of the said Grove called Jeffreys Grove together with full and free Libertye power and authoritye to digg sinke and make pit and pitts ahaft and shafts and to drive drift and drifts and to make Trench and Trenches watergates and watercourses as well for the obtaining and getting of Lead ore and Lead ure forth and out of the said Mine or Grove as for the avoiding conveying and carrying away of water and Styth together with sufficient and convenient Ground-roome and Heap-roome for the laying and placeing above ground as well the said Lead ore and Lead ure gotten and to be gotten forth and out of the said Mine or Grove as of Stone Mettle Earth Gravell and Rubbish Incident thereunto 

       And likewise full and free Liberty of making placeing and setting upon the said Lands and Grounds Also fitting and necessary Engines for drawing carrying and conveying of the said Lead Ore and Lead Ure water stones Gravell Earth and Rubbish and free Liberty of Wayleave in over and along the said Lands and Grounds of Blanchland aforesaid with horses waines carts and other carriages for the Leading carrying and conveying of the said Lead ore and Lead ure from the Mine and Grove aforesaid To have and to hold the said Mines and premises in and by the said first Recited Indenture Leased or mentioned to be Leased and all and singular the Appurtenances herby Ratifyed or Confirmed or hereby meant mentioned or intended to be hearby Ratifyed and Confirmed unto the said Thomas Rawlin his Executors Administrators and Assignes for untill and during all the rest and residue of the said terme of one and twenty years which were mentioned to be Granted in the said first Recited Indenture of Leases and which are yet to come and unexpired Rendering yeilding and paying therefore and in lieu of the Rent reserved in and by the said in parte Recited Indenture yearly and every year during the said terme unto the said Thomas Swynborne and Huntley Bigg their Heires and Assignes one full tenth part or every tenth load or Bing of the said Lead ore or Lead ure which shall from time to time be wrought won or gotten forth and out of the said Mine or Grove to be delivered unto the said Thomas Swynborne and Huntley Bigg their heires and Assignes at the said Grove in Cleane and well washt ore or ure which shall from time to time be wrought won and gotten forth and out of the said Mine or Grove at the two most usuall feasts or terms in the year (that is to say) at the feast of Penticost and St Martin the Bishop in winter by even and equall portions the first part thereof to be Rendered or delivered at such of the said feast which shall first happen next after the laying above Ground and washing and ore or ure that shall be wrought obtained or gotten forth out of the said Grove and premises

       And this Indenture further witnesseth that the said William Forster and they the said Thomas Swynborne and Huntley Bigg by such direction of the said William Forster and soe testifyed as aforesaid in consideration of the Rent hereinafter reserved doe Lease Sell and to Farme lett unto the said Thomas Rawlin his Executors and Assignes all the said Mine or Grove veine and veines of Lead Lead ore or Lead ure commonly called Jeffreys Grove situate lying and being within the Lands or Grounds of Blanchland aforesaid in the said County of Northumberland and all liberties priviledges Advantages and premises demised in and by the said in parte recited Indenture and herein and hereby confirmed with their and every of their Appurtenances 

       To have and to hold All and singular the premises with the appurtenances unto the said Thomas Rawlin his Executors Administrators and Assignes from the tenth day of August which shall be in the year of our Lord one thousand seaven hundred and eleven for and during the full end and terme of Eight years from thenceforth next and immediately fully to be compleat and ended yeilding and paying therefore yearly and every year during the last mentioned terme to the said Thomas Swynborne and Huntley Bigg their heires and assignes one full tenth part or every tenth Load or Bing of the said Lead ore or Lead ure which shall from time to time be wrought won or gotten forth and out of the said Mine or Grove to be delivered unto the said Thomas Swynborne and Huntley Bigg their heirs and assignes at the said Grove in clean and well washed ore or ure at the feast or terms aforesaid by even and equall portions the first part thereof to be rendered and delivered att the feast of St Martin the Bishop in winter which shall be in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seaven [hundred] and Eleven 

       And furthermore the said William Forster and they the said Thomas Swynborne and Huntley Bigg by such direction of the said William Forster and soe testifyed as aforesaid in consideration of the Rent herein after reserved Doe Lease Sett and to farme lett unto the said Thomas Rawlin his Executors Administrators and Assignes all those Mines veines and seames lof Lead Lead ore and Lead ure being within and under and which can and may be found had digged wrought obtained or gotten within and under the Lands and Grounds lying on each side of the said Lands or Grove called Jeffreys Grove containing in breadth beyond the Limits of the said Lands called Jeffreys Grove three hundred yards on either side of the said Grove by the whole length and extent of the said Grove with such Liberties power and Authority and with such Advantages priviledges and conveniences to work and gaine the Lead Mines without the Limits of the said Grove within the compass of three hundred yards on each side thereof as are demised to the said Thomas Rawlin by the said in parte recited Indenture to work the said Lead Mines within the Limitts and extent of the said Lands called Jeffreys Grove together with full and free Liberty power and Authority to cut win and work any quantity of peat turves or soile within the content and Lymitts of one thousand yards square of any part of the Common or Moore whereon or wherein the said Grove Lyeth in order to be burnt or used in and about the melting the ore got out of the demised and confirmed premises onely and for no other use end or purpose whatsoever To have and to hold the said Libertie and Authoritie of cutting and winning peat and turves to the said Thomas Rawlin his Executors and Assignes from the day of the date of these presents for one and twenty years and to have and to hold all and singular other the hereby last demised premises with the appurtenances unto the said Thomas Rawlin his Executors Administrators and Assignes from the Second day of February which shall be in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seaven Hundred and Eleven for and during and untill the full end and terme of Eight Years from thenceforth next and immediately following fully to be compleat and ended yeilding Rendering and paying therefore yearly and every year during the last mentioned terme unto the said Thomas Swynborne and Huntley Bigg their Heires and Assignes one full tenth part of every tenth Load or Bing of the said Lead ore or Lead ure which shall from time to time be gotten forth and out of the said Lands and Grounds within the compass of three hundred yards on either side of the Grove and the Lymitts and extent thereof to be delivered unto the said Thomas Swynborne and Huntley Bigg their heires and assignes of the said Grove in cleane or well washt ore or ure at the feasts & terms aforesaid by even and equall portions the first part thereof to be rendered and delivered at such of the said feasts as shall first happen next after the laying above ground and washing any ore that shall be wrought obtained or gotten out of the hereby last demised premises provided always and it is the true intent and meaning of these presents and of all the parties hereunto 

       And the said Thomas Rawlin for himselfe his Executors Administrators and Assignes doth hereby covenant promise declare and agree to and with the said William Forster Thomas Swynborne and Huntley Bigg and every of them their and every of their Heires Executors Administrators and Assignes and every of them by these presents That if the said Thomas Raawlin his heires Administrators and Assignes shall not from time to time during the said terme fairly orderly and effectually worke the said Mine or Grove and that if itt shall happen in any one year during the said terme that the said Thomas Rawlin his Executors Administrators and Assignes shall desist discontinue or forbear the effectual working of the said Mine or Grove during the space of three callender months together in any one year or if the said tenth part or every tenth Bing of cleane washt ore or ure shall not be Rendered Yeilded or delivered according to the true Intent and meaning of these presents within the space of fourteen days next after and of the said feasts or days whereupon the same ought to be yeilded rendered or delivered as aforesaid being lawfully demanded that then and in every or any of the said cases the said terme and estate hereby Ratifyed and confirmed or meant mentioned or Intended to be hereby Ratifyed and confirmed and also the estates hereby Leased shall Cease Determine and be utterly void any thing in the said first recited Indenture of Lease or in these presents contained to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding and that from thenceforth itt shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Thomas Swynborne and Huntley Bigg or either of them they or either of their heires and assignes into the said Grove or premises or any part thereof in the name of the whole to Reenter 

       and the same to have again repossess and enjoy as in his or their former estate anything if in the said just recited Indenture of Lease or herein contained to the contrary hereof in anywise notwithstanding And that the said Thomas Rawlin his Executors Administrators or Assignes after such Reentry so to be made as aforesaid by the said Thomas Swynborne and Huntley Bigg or either of them their of either of [sic] their heires or assignes Shall and will deliver yeild up and surrender unto the said Thomas Swynborne and Huntley Bigg their heires and assignes the said first recited Indenture of Lease these presents and all his Estate Right Tytle and Interest of in and to the said Grove and premises mentioned to be leased of herein to be confirmed or demised as aforesaid 

       and the said Thomas Rawlin for himself his Executors Administrators and Asignes doth covenent promise and agree to and with the said Thomas Swynborne and Huntley Bigg their heires and assignes that the said Thomas Rawlin his Executors Administrators and Assignes shall from henceforth during the Residue of the said terme fairly orderly and effectually according to the usual method courses and meanes of working of Lead Mines work the said Grove and Mines and shall and will from time to time upon demand make Render and give unto the said Thomas Swynborne and Huntley Bigg their heires and assignes a true and just Account in writing of all quantity and quantities of the said Lead ore and Lead ure wrought won and gotten or which shall be wrought won and gotten forth and out of the said Mine or Grove or other the confirmed of demised premises and deliver the tenth part or every tenth bing Load thereof at the said Grove to the said Thomas Swynborne and Huntley Bigg their heires and assignes in clean and well washed ore or ure as aforesaid 

       and the said William Forster for himself his heires Executors Administrators and assignes and every of them with covenant promise grant and agree by these presents to and with the said Thomas Rawlin his Executors Administrators and every of them in manner and forme following (that is to say that he the said William Forster and the said Thomas Swynborne and Huntley Bigg have or some of them hath in him or themselves at the time of the Sealing and delivery of these presents full power good Right Tytle and Authority in the Law to Ratify and Confirm the said predemised premisses and also to lease the hereby demised premises with the appurtenances and every part and parcell thereof unto the said William Forster Thomas Swynborne and Huntley Bigg their heires and Assignes shall and will at any time during the continuance of the said terme upon the Reasonable Request and at the proper cost and charges in the Law of him the said Thomas Rawlin his Executors Administrators and Assignes or any of them make doe acknowledge Levy Suffer and Execute unto him the said Thomas Rawlin his Executors Administrators and Assignes all such further and other Reasonable Act and Acts Devise and Devises Assurance and Assurances in the Law whatsoever for the further better and more perfect Ratifying and Confirming or Leasing unto him the said Thomas Rawlin his Executors Administrators and Assignes the said Grove and premises for the severall terms of years hereby Confirmed or Demised at and under the same Rents Covenants and Agreements in these presents mentioned and Reserved by such Reasonable ways and means in the Law as the said Thomas Rawlin his Executors Administrators and Assignes or his or their Counsel Learned in the Law Shall reasonably Devise advise or require, And furthermore that he the said Thomas Rawlin his Executors Administrators and Assignes and every of them rendering the said Rents herein and hereby reserved and performing the Covenants before mentioned on his part to be performed Shall and may for and during the residue of the said term of one and twenty years and also during the continuance of the said term of eight years peaceably and quietly have hold and use occupy possess and enjoy the said Grove and all and Singular the premisses and the appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof according to the true intent and meaning of of [sic] these presents without any of the Lawfull Lett suite trouble deniall molestation eviction interruption or disturbance of him the said William Forster his heires Executors or Assignes or any of them or of any other person or persons whatsoever Lawfully claiming or to claime by from under or in trust for him and well and sufficiently acquitted and discharged or otherwise well and sufficiently saved harmless and indemnified by the said William Forster his heires and Assignes from all manner of Tythes and Tythable duties due and payable for or by reason of any ore or ure that shall be wrought out of the demised premisses during the said terms And lastly it shall and may be Lawful to and for the said Thomas Rawlin his Executors Administrators and Assignes and every of them from time to time within the space of six months next after the end and expiration or other sooner determination of the said severall tems peaceably and quietly to have take Lead carry and convey from the Mine and Grove aforesaid and from the Lands and Grounds of Blanchland aforesaid all such quantity and quantities of the said Lead ore or Lead Ure belonging to him the said Thomas Rawlin his Executors Administrators and Assignes and every or any of them as shall then happen to be Lying being or remaining above ground in or upon the said Grove or other premisses or any part or parcell thereof and also all Mills Gynns Engines and other Materialls placed fixed or remaining in or about the confirmed or demised premises or used or imployed in or about the same. 

       In Witness whereof the parties above said to these present Indentures Interchangeably have set their hands And Seales the day and year first above written.

       Signed William Foster   Thomas Swynborne   Huntley Bigg

Signed sealed and delivered by the within named William Foster Thomas Swynborne the impression of a sixpenny Stampe appearing at the time of such delivery in the presence of Fra: Mascall Henry Collins, a drawer at St Albans Tavern in St Albans Street, Sealed and delivered by the within named Huntley Bigg in the presence of Ri: Belasyse, Fra: Mascall, Thos Willis

The Lease from Mr Forster Mr Swynburn and Mr Bigg to Mr Rawlin
FEC 1/706 A.  The lease of Jeffreys Grove leads mine from Thomas Swynborne, William Forster, and Huntley Bigg to Thomas Rawlin

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467