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Jeffreys Grove Quer: the water in the Dean and Chapters Libertys, if may treat with them for it that it may supply Gins. [no answer given] Quer: if the Lease be expired, or do expire the first of August what is proper to be done, and if the Leasor may have Liberty to Remove the water Gins. [no answer given] If I may have a power to enquire what Quantities of Oar has been wrought since Mr Forsters Conviction etc. – [answer:] may enquire If tack notes may be granted and upon what Termes - [answer:] approved Alston Moor – if the Duty Oar may be Delivered, and the prices advanced if any substantial chapmen offer a greater price, how far the old chapmen may have the prefferences, if new tack notes may be granted. [no answer given] If the Bailiff in Alston Moor and Gamekeeper shall continue upon the powers they had from the Lord Derwentwater. - [answer:] If obstructed our Agent he must complain thereof If Mr Ridley give up his Lease of Brockwell Colliery & if others may be treated with and upon what Termes. [answer:] nothing If any Collierys in Lord Derwentwaters Libertys may be enquired into and acc[oun]t of the <Coals> thereof taken. [answer:] nothing [Last two lines in a different hand:] Whether the Gynns must be laid in or not [answer:] yes Q: What enquiry may be made after the Collierys in Ld Derwentwaters Estates [no answer given]
FEC 1/706 A. Although there is no direct clue to authorship of this undated note of questions and answers regarding Jeffreys Grove and other mines, Newcastle lawyer Chambers Slaughter submitted opinions to the Forfeited Estate Commissioners in 1720, so these queries are ascribed to him here. Since it mentions the Jeffreys lease as being expected to expire on 1st August, which would have been 1719, this year is assumed, and given an arbitrary date of 1st April being a few months in advance.