Letter – Isaac Hunter to Robert Morrow – 15 Dec 1775

Document Type: Letter
Date: 15 Dec 1775
Correspondent: Isaac Hunter
Recipient: Robert Morrow
Archive Source: FOK  394
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       Dukesfd. 15 Decr: 1775

Mr. Morrow Blaydon


	Yours of the 13th. inst. I recd. last Night & was surprized to find by it that you had not Recd. mine of the 8th. wch. I sent that morn.g to N.Castle by one of Sir Wrs. Servts. wch. I hope will come to hand as I had there given you an Accot. of the Quantities of Ld. delivd. f’m the several Mills, but I find that Mr. Walton had made a mistake in the Accot. given me of the 8 Stone Lead & wch. I gave you of one Thousand ps. for upon reexamining his Month Accots. I find that His delivy. of 8 Stone Ld. is 8902.  I have seen the Wards in regard to the 12 ps. of Allanhds. Ld. who I hear got last Monday what you speek of at the Grey-Mare – I have don what I can to find the 24 ps. of Dukesfd. Ld. in this Westhand but can not find so much as a single peace of it have examined all the several unloading places that any of the Carriage Men ever used to lay of Ld. at & also all the Ling &c sought near wherever any Lead had ever been knowing to be lying, & the several off Carriers that are of the Ld. way that carried Ld. this year f’m Dukesfd. have been examined who are all willing to make Oath that they delivd. the quantity at the Bankfoot wch. they took fm the Mill.  I cannot help thinking but some of the Easthand Wainmen must have it by them & more so f’m the No. as it answrs. To 2 of their Fothrs. & none of the Westhd. Carriers ever carry more than 11ps. at a time.   I wish it could be found & soon, for I have this day wrote Mr. Richmond an Accot. of the Quantity delivd. which the East Stage Carriage of was to be paid for by agreement in this Month & that He would please to fix the time of payment wth. you when you gave him an Accot. of the Rect. wch. you would advise me of.   I am

       Dr. Sr. Yr. &c IH Jr.

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467