Letter – Jonathan Maughan – 20 May 1720

Document Type: Letter
Date: 20 May 1720
Correspondent: Jonathan Maughan
Archive Source: TNA FEC 1 704-7
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To the Ho[oura]ble The Commissioners and Trustees for the Forfeited Estates at Their Office in Essex House London [Annotation in pencil:] Jeffreys Grove /Report on

May it Please your Honours

       In obedience To Your Commands by Mr Martens of the 9th ultima, I went along with Mr Stoddart to Jeffrey’s Grove, to Inspect the Condition they were in, gave answer to Mr Martens by mine of the 10th Instant, and reported my opinion of Said Grove, so farr as the present circumstances thereof will allow.

       Mr Robert Stoddart by a letter to his Brother of the 12th Instant, Saith that having waited on your Orders, that wee should Mutually agree in one representation of the State of Said Grove, and Royalties of Blanchland, and the other abuses relating thereto.

       With Most Humble Submission, it is our Oppinion that the Damages by Working of the Said Grove will be very great, but cannot be perfectly understood until the Water is Drawne out, which will be at the perrill of Mr Henry Grey & Mr Edward Weatherley. The Grove hath been wrought since the expiration of the Lease, and continues as yet to be Wrought by the Orders of Mr Weatherly and his agent John Steward, and all the Oar on Bank Removed of[f] the premises by Order of the Two last named persons. Mr Weatherleys agent John Steward, and their Workmen at said Grove have used scurrilous expressions ag[ains]t us both Since the said inspection, pretending the Right of the Said Grove to be entirely in their Master.

       The Bishops agents Mr Stonehewer of Durham and Mr Edward Grey of Shorstone in Northumberland gives it out that the B[isho]pp will dispute his Right with the Publick or Purchaser to every member of the Royalties of Blanchland, and that Mr Fosters Tytle was no further then one half of the Mines of Jeffreys and Shildon, and that the conveyances from Mr Foster to the B[isho]pp would enable them so to do. 

       Therefore with Humble Submission wee offer it as our opinion that it may be convenient for the Purchaser to have the aforesaid Gentlemen with their Acc[oun]ts Convenants & conveyances, together with the Bounder Book of Blanchland, which is said to be in the hands of Mr Edward Grey, called for, and examined before The Board, in Order to finde out, Rectify, & Recover the Boundary, Privileges, abuses, & Dues, that it may be for the Purchasers advantage to have Possession Delivered in order to prevent any further abuses.

       We are Your Honours Most Humble and obedient serv[an]ts

       William Stoddart Jonathan Maughan

South Shields   20th of May 1720

PS. My Letters to Your Honours of the 16th of April, and 10th of May, are more particular touching the premises, and to which with Most Humble Submission I refer Your Honours,

And am as above Your Honours etc JM
FEC 1/705

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467