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In obedience to Your Orders given by Precept & Mr Martens of the Second Instant, I immediately proceeded to the Making Seizure of Jeffreys Grove, the Lead Ore on the Bank with all the Ropes and Rolls, Work Tools etc and gave a Charge to the Agents of Mr Grey and Wetherley, that they should not remove or cause to be removed anything whatsoever of[f] the premises without your Honours Lycence so to do. Their hath been delivered from Jeffreys Grove since my last Return made[missing] Delivered of Cutting Oar [missing] Ditto Boose Oar [missing] Oar by computation now on Banke – Of Cutting Oar that is Washed 67-0-0 Of Grove also Boose Oar unwashed 26-0-0 It is impossible to make any true Estimate of the Damages done by Working that Grove, either since the expiration of the Lease, or before, until the Water be drawne out I desire that your Honours will be pleased to grant me your Order for 30: or £40: as also leave to send up my Bill of expences upon Acc[oun]t of the Ginns at Stella <House>. I am Your Honours Most Humble and obedient servant Jonathan Maughan Wolsingham 24th of June 1720 May it please your Honours I gave your Honours an Acc[oun]t from Wolsingham this day how I had provided by making a seizure of all the Oars on bank at Jeffreys Grove, together with every of the appurtenances relating there unto, (pursuant to your Honours orders). I kept two men to attend five days and nights, to prevent anything being removed of[f] the premises they took a Schedule of what Oar by computation might be on Bank and of all the works tools etc could find, then gave a Discharge to the agents of Mr Grey and Wetherley, from removing anything of[f] the premises, without Speciall Lycence from Your Honours so to do, I also shewed them the Order I had from your Honours to make seizure. But to my great Surprise when I came to the Grove [1 word missing] Day, found they had removed all the <cutting or best> Oar that [1 word missing] <washed up at the prem.ses into Mr <Ords> Liberty, as also <along> [3-4 words missing] whatsoever belonged to Mr Grey or Wetherley, thought propper to loose no time in Acquainting your Honours therewith, that they may have propper Chastisement for Contrevening of your Honours Orders I am Your Honours Most Humble and obedient servant Jonathan Maughan Jeffreys Grove Fryday the 24th of June 1720
FEC 1/705. Original is torn in places, obscuring some words. Two letters, the second evidently written later that same day from Jeffreys Grove.