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Mr. John Holmes Farnacres 15 May 1785 Dear Sir, We yesterday recd. your Letter of the 11th. inst, and have drawn upon you for the Silver last sent which was 873 Ounces, and having been exceedingly hurried we neglected apprizing you of having sent it. The Bill is pay[a]ble 40 Days after Date, and is for £247. 7. _ being the Amount of 873 Oz. of Silver Bullion at 5s./8d. We are glad to see that the price of Silver is getting up, and that there is a prospect to its continuing to do so. We have recd. a Letter from the Bellows Maker, and expect to give him full Directions by Tuesday or Wednesday next. We thank you for your attention to this Matter. A very considerable progress having been made in sorting & measuring the Holly, Mr. Walton Senr. will be much obliged by Mr. Holmes writing him in Answer to his Last Letter as soon as his Convenience will permit. We are Dear Sir Your Most Hble Servts. Walton & Turner £247. 7. _ Farnacres 14th. May 1785 Forty Days after Date Pay to the Order of Messrs. Bell Carr Cookson Widdrington & Company Two Hundred and Forty Seven Pounds Seven Shillings. Value received as advised by Walton & Turner Mr. Holmes London