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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 27th. March 1785 We are all again covered with Snow. Surely this winter will never end. Mr. Thornton brings you a Plan of yr. little Farm at Sillywray which we have wrote about to Greenwich Hospital and have fixed the Rent at £9. 10. per Ann. & Five per Cent to be pd. for fencing. I have marked upon the Plan where I think it will be proper for you to have a Road into Calf Close and have told Mr. Thornton what is to be done. The part drawn with Red Ink to be Walled and the entrance to be at the Letter A set down in Pencil. You are to be Tenants from Year to Year as for the Mill Ground near your own Dwellings. I am Your Humble Servt. Nich Walton Junr.