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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 30th. March 1785 We have recd. your Letter of the 28th. Inst with the Operation for the present Month by which we see that the Ore now at the Mill is within Half a Bing of what has been Smelted in this Month. We wish to have our Smelting finished as soon as possible and therefore you are desired to proceed with the work with all expedition consistent with the good of the undertaking. Thomas Wood sets out for the Mill tomorrow and after you have considered what Iron will be wanted you will let us know. You’ll remember that one of you must come down to see Mr. Hollier about the Cast Iron Barr for the Furnace <bindings>. Thomas Wood brings you the several Plans for the new Buildings &c at Langley Mill and the Sections which I drew when I was last with you shall be sent the first opportunity. Refined Lead is now at £16.5.- and £16.7.6 and Silver at 5s. 7d. Perhaps by carrying some Lead Ore down to the Low Mill you will get further forward but this must only be done so long as ‘till Mr. Jobling and Co. are to begin there and they must not begin ‘till we hear from London that the General Court approves of what the Directors have agreed to recommend which may yet be Fourteen Days tho’ we hope much less. The Lime as it arrives shd. be put under cover if that can be done. This Season makes everything inconvenient. You are desired to consult with Thomas Wood abt. the Screw Plates and Pins & we think it will be perfectly proper to get what of that kind we may want from the best Hands. We have ordered you a Quarter Barrel of Gun Powder for Langley Lime Kiln. We are Your Humble Servants Walton & Turner PS. There must be an immediate determination come to as to the situation of the new Coal House and Lime House for the Smelters but as to the additional Bingsteads for the High Mill we think there is no hurry. As soon as you <fixing> on the <Sites> and situations let us know and give us a Sketch, the measures must be all reckoned inside and we shd. know the proposed heights of the Building. We inclose you the Lead Carriers Acct. to the 26 Inst <exclusive>. Since writing the above we have seen a Smith who is a very good Workman and a <person> who we can depend upon who <advises both Rack and Screw Plates> and if you will let me know the exact Dimensions of the <Screw Plates> you will want I will <get the …. and Screw Plates …. .. … ……>