Witness Deposition – John Elrington – 28 Aug 1717

Document Type: Witness Deposition
Date: 28 Aug 1717
Correspondent: John Elrington
Archive Source: TNA FEC 1 704-7
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The Deposition of John Elerington of Blanchland in the Parish of Shotley & County aforesaid <.eo> taken upon Oath the 28th day of August 1717 before me John Douglas Esq One of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the s[ai]d County

       This Deponent maketh oath that for forty years upwards he has known a Lead Mine called Jeffreys Grove in the County Palatine of Durham & was Steward & receiver of the Lords Dues there all the s[ai]d time, And that Sir William Forster, Ferdinando Forster Esq his son Dorothy Lady Crew wife of Nathaniel L[or]d B[isho]pp of Durham all Deceased & Thomas Forster Jun[io]r Esq attainted of High Treason were the owners thereof. That the s[ai]d Mine was Farmed att a Seaventh Part sometimes, butt now is lett att a Tenth & that the Farmers During the s[ai]d time ( like about nine years go) were Sir James Clavering Bart John Rogers Esq Henry Hudson Abigall Carr Thomas Rawling Elizabeth Gray & Thomas Gray of Howick Gent, And this Deponent Further maketh oath that about nine years agoe to the best of his Knowledge one Edward Weatherley did enter upon the s[ai]d Lead Mine by Vertue of a Lease from the s[ai]d Thomas Gray or some other Pretended title & this Deponent is Convinced in his Conscience & Verily believes that the Term of year’s granted by the Family of Forsters to the s[ai]d Thomas Gray is already ended and expired For that he This Deponent being in Company & Discoursing with Thomas Forster of Etherston Sen[ior] Esq Father of the affores[ai]d Thomas Forster Jun[io]r the s[ai]d Forster Sen[io]r Did Declare & Speak to the same effect & by Discourse Formerly with the s[ai]d Edward Weatherley & others about the Term of the s[ai]d Lease he has heard & Does Believe that the s[ai]d Lease is Expired.

       And this Deponent Further maketh oath that he knows & can Prove that since the time the s[ai]d Lead Mine of Jeffreys Grove became Vested in his majesty by the attainder of the s[ai]d Thomas Forster Jun[io]r Great frauds have been comitted by the s[ai]d Edward Weatherley & others his servants or agents & Great Quantity of his Majestys Dues have been by them concelaed Carryed away & embezzled & that the s[aid] Mine is now Wrought in a Wasteful & Unfair manner & Contrary to the Usuall Method of Working Lead Mines & that If Speedy & Effectual Care be not taken that the s[ai]d Mine will be brought to Ruine & Destruction & Further this Deponent sayth nott.

       John Elerington [signed]

Juratt apud Castrum juxta Nov Castrum super Tinam in com pr.dict Die & Anno Supradict coram me

       John Douglas [signed]
FEC 1/706/A.

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467