Deposition – George Myres – 9 Sep 1680

Document Type: Deposition
Date: 9 Sep 1680
Correspondent: George Myres
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The further Execuc[i]on of this Comic[i]on is Adjourned to the Dwelling house of Mrs Issabell Gregory att the Kings Arms in Richmond upon Saturday the Ninth day of Septemb[er]  in the Thirty second yeare of the Raigne of King Charles the Second

George Myres of Lynskarth in the Parrish of Stanhopp in the County of Durham Gent. Aged Fifty yeares or thereabouts Sworn and Examined sayth

To the First Interrogatory this Depon[en]t sayth that hee knowes the Reverend father in God Nathaniell Lord Bishopp of Durham John Mowbray John Westgarth Richard Mowbray and Christopher Copp[er]thwayt five of the De[fendan]ts And knows the Compl[ainan]t and the two Parrishes of Stanhopp and Wolsingham and Forrest of Weredale and hath known the said Two Parrishes and Forrest for above Forty yeares last past

To the Second Interrogatory this Depon[en]t sayth that the p[re]sent Bishopp of Durham and his p[re]decessors have time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary have beene seised in Fee of A County Pallatine and of all Libertys and Franchises to A County Pallatine belonging and amongst other things of and in the Two Manno[rs] and Lordshippes of Stanhopp and Wolsingham and Forrest of Weredale and of and in diverse and sundry Lead Mynes Groves and Vaines of Lead Oare lying within the s[ai]d Two Parrishes and Forrest of Weredale  

To the Third Interrogatory this Depon[en]t sayth that there now is and this Depon[en]t believes that time out of man's <memory> there have beene an Officer called the Mooreman or Mooremaster of the Lead Mynes Groves and Ures within the said Two Parrishes and Forrest of Weredale which said Officer or Officers have from time to time been made or appointed by Grants or Lettres Pattents of the said Bishopp of Durham And that all the Lead Mynes wrought within the said Two Parrishes and Forrest that belonged to the Bishoppes of Durham have from time to time beene wrought when the same were openned and and wrought by the severall Mooremasters or by Tacks  or Grants under them as incident and belonging the said Office of Moorem[aster] until Mr Alphonsus Bulmer or one Mr Hall p[re]tended some Tythe to the same mynes within <some t... ……  ……> 

To the Fourth Interrogatory this Depon[en]t sayth that Mr Thomas Wharton Mr Richard Hutton and the Compl[ainan]t have within the time of this Depon[en]ts remembrance held and Exercised the said Office of Moorem[aster] And this Depon[en]t verily believes that Mr Francis Pilkington Sr George Bowes Mr William Bowes Mr Edward Suertys and Mr George Wythers all of them held and Exercised the said Office for that this Depon[en]t hath beene credibly informed by Auntient Workemen that they took Tacks <... .......>  under the aforesaid Mooremaster severall Mynes within the said Parrishes abd Forrest of Weredale 

To the Fifth Interrogatory this Depon[en]t sayth that the said Mooremaster by vertue of his Office hath full Power Liberty and Authority to prohibitt stopp and Lett all p[er]sons whatsoever from sincking workeing or openning of any ground or grounds for the winning and getting of any oare or ures of Lead within the said Parrishes and Forrest unless such p[er]son or p[er]sons be Lawfully Lycensed or Admitted thereunto by the said Mooremaster or his lawfull Deputy or Deputys 

To the Sixt Interrogatory this Depon[en]t sayth that hee very well knowes all and every the Lands Moores Fells Hoopes and Grounds in this Interrogatorys menc[i]oned.

To the Seaventh Interrogatory this Depon[en]t sayth that within the Land Moores Fells Hoopes and grounds in this Interrogatory menc[i]oned there now are and time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary have beene severall Mynes or Vaines of Lead oare openned and wrought by severall Moorem[aster]s or by Tacks or Grants und[er] them as incident to theire said Office and that the said vaines are called or knowne by distinct name or names  And in p[ar]ticular this Depon[en]t knowes the severall mynes hereunder named all and every of which said Mynes have within the time of this Depon[en]ts remembrance beene oppened and wrought by Tacks from the Moorem[aster] or und[er] the Mooremasters Tythe by the severall workemen or Myners hereafter named (vizt) On Bollihopp fell hee knowes the severall Mynes called Shaftwell wrought by James Whittaker and others Harnishaw wrought by William Morley and others Ewtree wrought by Arthur Morgan and others Mirkegill wrought by Thomas Ireland and others Blackburne <... ....> :Harnishaw wrought by this Depon[en]t and others Levyclough by Thomas Elliott and others On Westenhopp fell two Mynes called Eshclough Eastside wrought by Robert Philippson and others <Upper> Esheclough wrought by George Emerson and others West of Blaberryclough wrought by Robert Philippson and others East of Wolfeclough wrought by Robert Phillippson and others west of Wolfeclough by Nicholas Nicholson and others Westgraine East End wrought by George Westwood and others West End of Westgraine wrought by Francis Dobson and others  On Swinhopp:fell  the Mynes called Berryclough wrought by John Bainbridge and others On Daddrisheild fell the Mynes called Allersike East End wrought by Cuthbert Hall and others  On Ireshopp fell the Mynes called Howlesike wrought by William Fetherston and others Groveheads by Cuthbert Emerson and others Bradesike by <George> Henderson and others Earnewellhead by John Rutter and others Ireshoppburnefoote by John Rutter and others the Fawgrove an Auntient Enclosure wrought by John Fetherstone and others Barberry grove by John Curtess and others Greenwell by William Westwood and others Waggangrove by John Emerson and others Deepecloughhead by William Harrison and others Cawdberry End by <T...> Robinson and others Westgrainehead by John Watson and others Peiterclough head by John Hall and others  On Burnehopp fell the Mynes called Greenegrove wrought by John Harrison and others Langtayhead wrought by Robert Bramman and others <.....> wrought by John Robson and others Stonysike wrought by Thomas Fetherstone and others Crookedsike by <Thomas> <Dawson> and others Scrathhead wrought by Thomas James and others Blacklaws East and West End by John Nattriss and others <Casten...> wrought by Cuthbert Nattriss and others Hesleygill wrought by Cuthbert Nattriss and others Springwell wrought by William Fetherstone and others Greenlaw End wrought by Ralph Nattriss and others On Welhopp and Kilhopp Fells the Mynes called Welheads wrought by John Natriss and others Hilhagarth wrought by Francis Little and others Briansike wrought by Mathew Blacklock and others West End of Kilhopp:Cragg by Mathew Boake and others Peitefell Edge by Thomas <....> and others Cowhause wrought by Edward Stoute and others Greensike head wrought by Thomas Lawson and others Broad may wrought by Mathew Blakelock and others East Hesley hill wrought by Cuthbert Watson and others <....> =Hesley Hill by Francis Ibbeson and others Old Hesley Hill by John Nattriss and others Hillgrove by Thomas Watson and others West Hesley hill by Alexand[er] Ridley and others Eastgrove und[er] Edge by Mathew Boake and others <Westgrove> under Edge wrought by John Nattriss and others North Hesley Hill wrought by Mathew Blakelock and others Mossgrove wrought by George Emerson and others North Moss grove by John Kidd and others Kilhoppburne<...> East and West End wrought by Cuthbert Watson and others Highbirke by Cuthbert Rodham and others Southgraine wrought by Alexander Ridley and others Ellymay foote wrought by Cuthbert Rodham and others West Ellymay wrought by Hugh <Robinson> and others   On Heddryclough fell the Mynes called Snodberry clough wrought by Thomas Barber and others Puddingthorne Eastvaine wrought by Francis Peart Kilhopp cragg East End wrought by Thomas Watson and others <Elmford> wrought by John Needham and others Burnthills by Henry Farawlay and others Greenefeild North Vaine wrought by John Needham and others Greenefeild South Vaine wrought by William Hackwood and others Greenfeild<greate>rake wrought by John Lonsdale and others  On Sedlinghopp Fell the Mynes called Brakenside wrought by Godfrey Didsbury and others Broadmay wrought by Godfrey Didsbury and others Barkerburne wrought by Cuthbert Natriss and others Sedlinggreaterake wrought by Francis Little and others Whiterake wrought by John Harrison and others Arnegrovehill wrought by John Nattriss and others Sedlinggrove wrought by Anthony <..llipp> and others Burnegrove West:End wrought by James Whitaker and others Reedgrove hill wrought by Thomas Norman and others Toadstone West vaine wrought by John Harrison and others Toadstone East vaine wrought by Cuthbert Watson and others Baylehills wrought by John Robson and others  on Middleblackdeanefell the Mynes called Elmeford wrought by Thomas Allingam and others Allerclough wrought by Ralph Fetherstone and others Lodgefeild wrought by John Rutter and others Cragg grove wrought by John Fetherstone and others Stonyslitt wrought by Ralph Fetherstone and others all which said severall Mynes on Middleblackdeanefell ly within very Auntient Enclosures  the Rakes wrought by George Whitfeild and others the Clough head wrought by John Rutter and others  on EasterBlackdeane pasture the Mynes called Lawsgrove wrought by Richard Hall and others Faire hills was wrought by John Rutter and others  On Middlehoppfell the Mynes called Newmeadowheads wrought by William How and others Dowkes wrought by Thomas Parker and others Broadmaysike wrought by George Fetherstone and others Blackaxeltree wrought by Richard <Blaine> and others Earneclough wrought by James Whittaker and others  On Westgate hight being within the Auntient Enclosure of Stanhopp <Parrish> severall Mynes called Groverake wrought by John Fetherston and others Sidehead by William <How> and others  On the Fell called Rookehopp the Mynes called Smale burne side wrought by Edmond <Bramman> and others

Lynskarth cloughhead wrought by James Whittaker and others Foulewood wrought  by Robert Trotter and others East Scarsike by John Evans and others West Scarrsike wrought ny John Wilson and others Langwell wrought by this Depon[en]t and others West Langwell wrought by Richard Thorpe and others Wolfecloughfoote wrought by this Depon[en]t and others Wolfeclough head wrought by William Bainbridge and others Brakensike wrought by Thomas Hackwood and others Brakensike foote wrought by John Evans and others Dixons grove East vaine wrought by Thomas Ireland and others West Dixons grove wrought by Roger Bainbridge and others Greeneclough East End wrought by Richard Blacke and others Greenclough Weste Side wrought by this Depon[en]t and others  Gorbutt may wrought by Godfrey Didsbury and others Southgraine East End wrought by this Depon[en]t and others Southgraine West End wrought by Edward Stoute and others Whitesikehead wrought by George Emerson and others Barkshaw meadows wrought by John <Robinson> and others Groverake wrought by William <Pilkington> and others Picklaw carr by  <William> <Pilkington> <and> others Picklaw wrought by Lancelott Robinson and others <Brakensike> East End wrought by <....  ....> and others Thornegrove wrought by Godfrey Didsbury and others West Resby Myres wrought by <....> Richardson and others  Resby Myres wrought by this Depon[en]t and others <West> <Reedburne> wrought by Arthur Myres and others Swallow foote wrought by <Tobias> <....> and others Hawkhill wrought by <Robert> Trotter and others Reedburnegraines wrought by Richard Watkinson and others Booteswell wrought by Robert Trotter and others On Stanhopp fell the Mynes called Reeburne wrought by Ralph <Johnson> and others Crawley wrought by Godfrey Didsbury and others Rogerswell wrought by <one> <Harrison> and others  All which abovesaid Mynes lying on the abovesaid Fells were wrought by the severall p[er]sons above menc[i]oned within the time of this Depon[en]ts remembrance und[er] the Tythe of the said Mooremasters And this Depon[en]t sayth that there are severall other Mynes rakes and hushes which have been Aunti=:ently wrought but for the certaine names of the said mynes rakes and hushes and the <........> wrought this Depon[en]t refers himselfe to the Mooremasters bookes or Regester for that purpose and this Depon[en]t further sayth that hee hath seene and often p[er]used two Auntient Moorem[aster]s bookes <........> the Grants or Tacks of severall Lead Mynes which were Granted in the time and yeares that Sr George Bowes Mr William Bowes Mr Humphrey Wharton Mr Thomas Wharton Mr Richard Hutton and the Compl[ainan]t were Mooremasters and hath beene <Auntiently> Informed by by Auntient Myners that they wrought severall mynes by vertue of Tacks und[er] the said Mooremasters  And this Depon[en]t sayth that the said Two Auntient bookes hath beene in the custody of the Compl[ainan]t for above Tenn yeares last past hee this Depon[en]t haveing upon severall occac[i]ons used the said bookes.

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467