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Saturday March 2nd 1833 Having received the Admiralty authority to let the Smelting Mills etc. wrote to Mr Geo. Lee of Threepwood who came to me, and arranged to convene his partners for Monday next to consider the terms I had proposed. Rode to Lipwood to consider of the best means for effecting some repairs and Improvements to the Farm-buildings which are immediately necessary; and called at West Rattenraw farm on my return to meeting the Old and New Tenant, and arrange their differences, which I at length settled. Sent to the Board for signature the proposal for the several farms, with an explanation of the alterations which have occurred. Finding that I could get no settlement with the Tenant of Whitley Mill and Ground, and the Tenant of Gairshield and Bagraw Farms, I determined on distraining on all three. Of the former we shall suffer loss, and my desire is to get possession to re-let at May: with the two others, I hope to get a secure arrangement, but if I cannot, it will be desirable to get rid of them also.