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Dear Kitte I have at Last found out the roguerey of Simpsons man the Carrier he opend the box & sold most of the oranges & Lemmons then that was returnd was worth very little however the master is very willing to make me satisfaction which is all I can Desire If I had not made so much adoe about it should never have heard anything of it Your Customers at Ripons Loss are not so great as they thought at first Mr Wood had a hundred w[eigh]t of suggar and Eight hundred of the ten was not Damaged at all them that had suggar Candy it was all lost but them that had other goods as Ginger Pepper etc would be little worse for we have had Excessive hot weather soe they dried them all in the sun in the market place there was one of your Customers at Ripley that lost more then any three of the others with my blessing to you I am Your most Affect[ionate] father
undated but between 17th & 20th May. 18th assumed here.