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Sept 9 Honest Jacob I perceive by James Clarke that there is only a hundred peices of my lead Come down & the wherriemen told him that there was no more at Newburne by the acct of the no p[iece]s you sent me about 6 weeks agoe there must be 19 peices a wanting not reckning those that are made & sent to Newburne since so upon receipt of this letter I would have you go to the Carr[i]ers houses & so to Newburne & then to Newcastle & so then make your acct up right with James Clarke & acq[ain]t me where the mistake lies there was 3 peices of the old lead left in the Cellar which was undisposed of let me know if the slayters have done their worke I hope they made use of all the old slate that was good should be glad to hear that the[y] have finisht their worke I Doubt not but you will take care that they do it well Acq[uain]t w[ha]t they are doing both at the mines & mill & whether they have any good worke for I heartily wish the undertakers good success Enquire of Harry Tulip If he can help me to a purposefull lusty young fellow such a one as is carefull & propper to look to the swine & make fires & do any other worke that he understands If such a man can be light on let me know assoon as conveniently you can I wil give him £3 a year wages & he will be getting moneys besides I wish either you or harry could help me to such a person I would have him to come here a week before martinmas he must be a strong young fellow otherwayes he is not fit for that Imploy assoon as you receive this letter acq[uain]t me whether you think such a man can be light on or not I am [your] Asured friend To Mr Jacob Peart at Fallowfeild nigh Hexam Northumberland