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[Dear] James Newby Aug[us]t 20th 1713 I Recd y[ou]rs of the 15th give my humb[le] Service to Mr Major & acquaint him I shall send for the hhd [hogshead] Wine assoon as the Weather is something Couler, I hope Mr Coulson will be as good as his Word to send me bills for W[illia]m Lowses two hundred pound by the next post as he promised you, I perceive Mr Foster told you if Mr Jones was perfectly well but I hear by Severall hands that he cannot walk over the roome without help Order the Wherry men not to bring any of my lead from Newburne till they hear from me, tis much better to lay their then at Newcast[le], Shall not pay for the lead carriage till I have it from under the mans hand that looks to my lead at Newburne the number of peices that all are there & than shall pay them but not before I heartly wish the undertakers good Success in the New barga[i]ns they have let, I hope Mr Coulson has Sent me the two Reams of paper by the Ripon Carrier before this my leg has been very ill but I hope itt will be well in a very little time I am y[ou]r assured Friend