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To Mr John Bell at Mr Ellis’s in Hexham Newcastle 13 Decem[be]r 1765 Sir Sir Lanc[elo]t Allgood wants to have a Lease of the Coach house or stable, I do not know whether it is, that is built against the old Tower formerly called the Goal in Hexham and S[i]r W[alte]r Blackett agrees to it and he is to have it for 21 years at 12d a year. So I desire you will let me have such a description of it that it may be known at the End of the term. Sir Walter bids me tell you that he finds Mr Westgarth of Coalcleugh had been directed to make a survey of the incroachments by the copyholders on the wastes near Coalcleugh and that he has made some progress in it. I am etc HR