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To Mr Joseph Dickinson Newcastle 18th April 1763 at Coalcleugh Sir/ I am sorry for Mr Hodgson’s death. It will be necessary for you to come down with his Ex[ecut]or when you want money. As to the Groves at Coalcleugh & Killhope you & Caleb Kidd must take care that every thing is done according to the Bargains that have been taken. But as to other work let it rest as much as possible till Sir Wr appoints another in Mr Hodgson’s place. P.S. If Mr Hodgson’s Ex[ecut]or can supply the money for next lending day it may be better than coming down for any at present. You know Mr Hodgson was to have enter’d to the Whimsey <Houses> at Mayday. I suppose he has made some provision for the undertaking. I am etc HR