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To Mr Richd. Ellis at Hexham Newcastle 7 July 1761 Sir My Father received a Lre yesterday f[ro]m Mr John Johnson of Whitehall, in wch he says he is very ready to pay his petty tithes, as has been usual, & therefore desires no bill may be filed ag[ain]st him. I have acquainted Sr Wr Blackett of this who desires you will draw up a paper of the manner of tithing in hexham manor such as you think custom will support, for nobody can judge of that so well as yourself & then send for Mr Johnson & the other defaulters, whose names are below & tell them that by publishing their advertisement last year, by the meetings wch they held in consequence of them & by refusing to pay their tithe, they had made it necessary for him to order a bill to be filed ag[ain]st them in the Excheq[ue]r. But as he desires nothing but the preservation of the ancient & acknowledged rights of the manor he is ready to stay the proceedings at Law, provided they will sign such a paper as above ment[i]ond, admitting the customary method of tithing, & pay up all arrears. You will please to get something done, if possible, in this amicable way, as soon as is convenient to you & let my father have the paper signed by them or the names of those who refuse, that Mr Widdrington may proceed ag[ain]st them agreeable to the orders already given him. I am etc HR