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To Richard Wilson Esqr Leeds Yorkshire Newca[stle] 30 Nov 1767 Sir I have had some talk with Mr Graham about his farm this Afternoon; and find it is so great a Convenience to him in his business as a Brewer that he is loath to part with it: & to secure it he has offered 100 a yr for a 21 years lease of it as I told him that was the likelyest way to prevent it being advertised. I had it valued last Week by a good judge of Land who did not think it worth more than £90 a year. So that Mr Graham seems to have rated the Convenience very high. If you approve of his offer, the particular Covenants may be talked of afterwards. I have had an offer to day of £12 10s 0d a Year for a Quarry near Slatyford; in case you will allow a tryal to be made between this and Mayday – the rent to commence as soon as any Stones are led - & only five cutters to be employed for the rent – if any more are employed then £2 10s 0d a Year additional rent to be paid for each additional cutter. I think you took both the plans away with you. I am etc HR PS The bank have advanced the 3000 & will by the return of the post inform Sr Wr whether Glyn & Hallifax have agreed to the transfer.