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To Richard Wilson Esq[ui]re In Leeds Yorkshire Newcas[tle] 9th Septem[be]r 1766 Sir One Thomas Harle, a mason, proposes to take the freestone quarry in the North West field of your estate at W[es]t Kenton, No. 57 in the plan for the term of seven years from Martin[ma]s next, at five pounds a year; which, as he will tye himself never to employ more than two cutters, is a reasonable rent. You will please to let me know whether you would have her let to him; or you rather chuse to reserve her for any buildings you may have occasion for hereafter. The quarry lies so near the turnpike road that that they have made free with her; and will probably do so still, unless she is let. This is the same quarry that you allowed Mr Cramlington to get stones in; who is not yet quite finished, but I expect that in about a month he will have got all he will want. To the testimonies I have sent you about the way that Mr Shafto has stopt up, you may please to add the inclosed; which I think is still more against him. I told his attorney sometime ago that you did not approve of the step they had taken; and would think it your Int[e]rest to preserve the road. He said he understood Mr Shafto could prove it a private road, & would remove the matter to a superior Court. I found he thought they would quash Mr Pearson’s Indictment for want of form; but probably they will not proceed, as I told him, the want of form only, I believed would not decide the matter. They have nailed up the gate at So[uth] end of lane no. 5 in the plan; tho’ that gate and the dike it is set in belongs to you. I am etc HR