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To Mr Thomas Maughan at Newhouse in Newcas[tle] 15 Febr[uar]y 1765 Weardale Sir I have just now received a Letter from Mr William Rutter, Mr Bacon’s Steward, acquainting me that he has fixed the partnership pay to be made on the 25th of next month; which will be on a Monday: and he desires I will write to you of this resolution that you may satisfy the people. Now all I have to say is that Sir W[alte]r Blacketts money is ready and will be so whenever it is called for and this you may safely satisfy any body of whom it may concern. I have sent Mr Milburn back to Mr Rutter to tell him that a Wednesday will be a better day to make the pay on than a Monday and that he may chuse either Wednesday the 20th or Wednesday the 27th of next month and I shall give you his answer in a postscript. P.S. Mr Rutter has sent me a card that he agrees to make the pay on Wednesday the 27th March. I am etc Hen Richmond