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To Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. MP. in Newcas. 11th Decr. 1772 Half Moon Street Piccadilly London Honrd. Sir Bread No.5 Newcastle Maslin (or Wheat & Rye) Bread No. 6 Newcastle Rye Bread - The Sorts I have sent by the Fly Coach that set out this Morning very Early, a Box directed to you containing 6 Samples of Bread - viz. No. 1 Wallington household Bread No. 2 Mrs. Sadlers at the parks household Bread No. 3 Newcastle fine Wheaten Bread No. 4 Newcastle household No. 1 & 2 are made of Wheat by temsing it, when ground with a Hair Sieve: which takes out of the Winchester two Bushels, that is our Boll nearly six Gallons of Bran - the rest is made into the Bread in these Samples & the difference between them is owing to the one being fairer Corn than the other - the Quantity of Bran here taken out is nearly one fifth part - The Sorts No. 3. 4. 5. 6 are all made under the Laws of Assize, as in the inclosed paper, published by our Magistrates - the household Bread No. 4 has, as the Baker Mr. Harrison assures me, only four Gallons of Bran taken out of the boll with a hair Sieve; which is about one Eighth part - this is a good Sort of Bread which the Lower Sort of People, that do not use Maslin & Rye, are Content with; Except the Keelmen & some other workmen in the Coal Works whose great Earnings set them above Eating any but the finest Wheaten Bread that is made - it is probable not withstanding what Mr. Harrison says, that the Bakers often take a quantity of fine flour out of the Boll of Wheat before they make it into household Bread. for it is often much inferior to the Sample No. 4. But he thinks it would be practicable & no hardship upon the Baker to make only one Assize or denomination of Wheat Bread & That to be the household Bread with four Gallons of Bran / or six as may be thought best / taken out of it & no fine at all - In our Assize the price is certain & the Quantity given for it variable - the London Method is better which appoints a certain Quantity & the Price of it to vary in proportion to That of the Grain it is made of. If the Quantity & Quality of the Bread were thus ascertained by Law the Price might be left as that of other Manufactures are, to the Course of trade & to one Baker underselling another - The best Politicians have held it erroneous to attempt fixing a Price upon Labour - As to the Importation of foreign corn, there is a Duty I believe of 16s a Quarter (which is 4 of our Bolls) payable by 22 C[h]ar[les] 2[nd] Cap. 13 on the Importation of foreign Wheat when our own is under 53s 4d a quarter. Different duties are payable on other Grains - It wod. be right to take off all these Duties at lower Prices than in that Statute. I am glad Sr. Ba Milbank has agreed to settle the Dispute about the Tithes of his Allotment of Hexham Common according to Mr. Fawcetts Opinion. Dr. Lambert was buried Yesterday & I shall wait upon Mrs. Lambert as you ordered, as soon as I can learn it will be Convenient - Thos. Clinton the Shoemaker who applied for a Place has but an indifferent Character. Mr. Darwins Change of Habitation makes all the franks I have to him useless - a few of the new direction might be sent by the Post - I am glad to hear you keep your health but fear much Application to the business of the House will Prejudice it - I am very well and thankfull for your Inquiries - P.S. I communicated your Letter about the Corn & Bread to the Mayor & Mr. Mosley the former said he would write to you tonight - The Weights & one meusures for Hexham shod. be sent soon. it is long since they were bespoke I am etc HR