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To Sir Walter Blackett B[arone]t at Wallington Newcas[tle] 17th May 1766 Hon[ou]rd Sir Mr Darwin has sent me a copy of the peremptory advertisement for the sale of woodcraft and Fenwick Burnside, on the 19th of next month, to be inserted in the newspapers here; and desires to know if you would have it put into any of the London Evening papers. Mr Mich[ae]l Pearson intends to bid for Fenwick, and has been asking whether all Edward Slater’s farm, or what part of it is to be sold? For which I have refered him to Mr Robson; not having a plan, nor any description of it that is satisfactory to him. Mr Lambert says Mr Ord of Fenham’s eldest son is the best life he knows of for a Lease; so I shall write to Mr Johnson as soon as I can get the certificates completed. I am etc HR P.S. I have sent the p[ai]r of spar by the cart.