Letter – Henry Richmond to Walter Blackett – 31 Mar 1767

Document Type: Letter
Date: 31 Mar 1767
Correspondent: Henry Richmond
Recipient: Walter Blackett
Archive Source: NRO 672/E/1E/3
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To Sir Wr Blackett Bt MP in Halfmoon Street                                         Newcastle 31 Mar 1767

Piccadilly London

Hon[ou]r[e]d Sir

My Brother will try if he can raise £1000 on yo[u]r bond at 4 pc & if he succeeds will send a bond up for you to execute. Mr Smith still continues ill: but I have seen Mr Newton his attorney: & as soon as an instrum[en]t for the Conveyance can properly be executed it will be got done. Mr Robson had made a kind of distress on the Goods of Geo Brown of Fenwick but had allowed him time to raise Money. He has as yet only raised £200 & there still remains £415 due to you are Martin[ma]s last. I sent Laidler to him on Monday Se[ven]night since w[hi]ch he has been with me & promised to bring £200 on Saturday se[ven]night – if he fails therein I shall give Laidler directions to proceed to sale. Mr Lisle says nothing material has passed between him & Mr Robson about the Threap Ground. As soon as Mr Liddell can be spared from attending Mr Brown with Mr Robson’s books, in order to settle his Acco[un]t he will go over to Unthank & do what he can. I think it will be impracticable for Mr Liddell to serve in the two capacities of Land Steward & Butler.

Mr Peareth has looked over the Calculation of your profits by Weardale mines & the papers are now before Mr Cookson.

Six Kitts of Salmon will be sent in the first Ship – but as to the method of pickling them I doubt it will not be easy to obtain a good Receipt for it, those possessed of such being people who gain a Livelyhood thereby & will therefore think it their intr[es]t to be misterious – but I will try to get one.

I have rec[eiv]ed a Summons to meet Mr Brown & Mr Geo Robson to morrow at Wallington about Mr Robson’s Acco[un]ts. I am etc       HR

P.S. I have since I wrote the above received Your Letter mentioning that Mr Wray of Hexham has offered himself. I do not know him personally but I have heard him spoken of as a person very well qualified for the place; as having Experience in husbandry & a knowledge in building & Figures. I hear he was to have served Mr Ridley, but ill health at that time prevented him.  I am etc    HR

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467