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To Mr Darwin Grays Inn London Newcas. 10th Sept 1770 Sir Inclosed I return the receipt for Sir Edwd. Winnington’s interest, it being no voucher for me, as the payment appears on the face of it to be made by you: if you will please to indorse upon it that you have received the within mentioned five hundred pounds of me it will then be sufficient. Mr Wallace, the Council, who I thought was annually paid a General Retainer by you, said he had not had it since the year 1765: so he had taken a Brief against Sir Wr; but returned it as soon as he understood there was no intention of discontinuing the Retainer. I shewed him there was not by paying him the 20 guineas in Arrears. My Brother paid him the Retainer for this year: & as Sir Walter chuses to secure Mr Wallace I think it will be best that you should pay him his fee in London yearly. I am etc HR Recd 7th Sept 1770 of Sir Walter Blackett Bart. by Mr William Alvey Darwin Five hundred pounds for Six months Interest of Twenty five thousand pounds due the Sixth of last August to Sir Edwd. Winnington Bart on Mortgage, for whose use I say received. £500 . 0 . 0 Anthy. Wright