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To Mr Darwin Grey’s Inn London Newca[stle] 3d Novr 1767 Sir I have received your’s inclosing me Mr Freeman’s receipt for one hundred & forty pounds for the 1/2 yrs int[ere]st of Mrs Sambroke’s Mortgage on Kenton due 27 Septemr last and have given your Acco[un]t Credit for the Same and have made you D[ebto]r for the 9s 0d on acco[un]t of F Midfords deeds. Sir Walter Blackett bids me write you in answer to your Letter to him, about borrowing the £35000 of Mr Glover and his friend that he finds he will not have occasion for more than £30000 which he is willing to give 4 p[er] Cent[u]m for for seven years certain; if Sweethope Hawick and Green Leighton Estates are left out of the Mortgage; which they may very well be as the Rental of them amounts only to £385.0s.0d a Year and there will be above £3000 left as security for £30000. Sir Walter says he does not chuse to give more than 5 p[er] Cent[u]m as procuration money in this affair. P.S. Sir Wr says if Mr Glover agrees to lend the above Sum on those terms he would have you give Notice to Dr Blackett Mrs Frances Idle and Barnaby Darley to take in the money. And you will let me know of the Agreement that I may give Notice to some people here that Sir Wr would pay off. I am etc HR [values given in the margin:] Sweethope 160 Hawick 85 Green Leighton 90 Leighton <Dike>head 50 140 385