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Ravensworth Castle 9th July 1739 To Mr Ra Archbold in Alnwick Sir I reced. yours of the 2d Inst. & observations you say abt. getting a P<er>son for Examining into the Affair of the Dukes Agents Complaints abt. the <Gooses Crook>, tho I am of Opinion that I can find such a Pson in your Neighbourhood if should have occation for such one, & one that would doe it very honestly. Mr Elder did Sugest to me w[he]n last at Newcastle that we had done wrong & that the thing, tho of little Mom[en]t did show our good will, & it appeared to me by their Representation to be but of little value, & to avoid a Misunderstanding wth the Dukes People, agreed to Referr it to Mr Grieve to Examin into upon the Hospitals Accot., but by yours I find its of more worth, & if it appears in any shape to be the Hospitals Right, we will be as farr from giving it up as Mr Archbold would doe, tho if it was my own property I would have Trusted Mr Grieve with it or Some Honest Neighbour to have Examined into it, what they had to doe in Examin<in>g into the Alligations on both sides was not to be Determinative as to the Hosptl; because they were to Enter into no writing or Arbitration Bonds. I am sorry that I have been so Remiss in my Duty to the Hosptl. as not to goe & see it, I doe Assure you Sr had I thought it a thing worth going to see, or of so much Consequence as you Represent it I would have gone, tho I have as little Idle time upon my hands either here or in your Neighbourhood as most men have, but I live in hopes of seeing it my self in Pson & hearing what the Witnesses say on both sides I am Sr Your very Humb. Servt Hugh Boag P.S. The Postscript to yours I doe not understand, so can give no answer to it.
Mr Grieve may be Richard Grieve, Under Sheriff for the County of Northumberland