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Wylam September 15 1806 Present Mr Blackett, Mr Cockshutt, Mr Mulcaster& Son The Roasting of Lead Ore previous to the smelting appearing to produce so considerable a Profit it was thought advisable not only of ascertain this fact & also more particularly to determine the effect upon the Quality of the Lead so obtained. It was determined that a further and more particular tryal should be made at the different Works of Col Beaumont & for this purpose it was determined that Mr Jno Mulcaster should attend the tryals at each Work, at Rookhope at Allenheads Mill & at Dukesfield to see & make his remarks upon the whole process; The Roasting as well as the smelting. That 2 equal Quantities of Ore should be taken from the same heap, one to be roasted, the other to be worked in the usual way, the Weights of each to be carefully taken; that designed to be weighed also after that operation. The time the Quantity of Fuel consumed Wages etc etc at each place to be carefully noted down with all such remarks as may occur, in the Progress of the different Tryals & a full report to be made of the same Notice will be given to each of the Agents at the Works mentioned to inform them of the intended Tryals & to give all such assistance as may be in their power, but under the sole direction of Mr Mulcaster after which it is proposed that a part of the Lead from the Roasted Ore of each place should be converted into White Lead or such other Tryals made as should be thought necessary to ascertain its real Quality. James Cockshutt
This loose leaf minute of a meeting was found amongst the April 1804 pages of the Newcastle office copy Letter Book