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Sirs I <recd> yours from Wanlockhead and by it am still the more surprised by the unreasonable method of proceeding in that affaire of the Mynes there. You cannott but acknowledge in justice & equity that I am onely concernd for Mr [Lindsay] and quarter for my selfe, and if <you refuse ….> I can evidence itt by sevrall of yr lres by wch you sollicited me to gett Mr Vermoden out, that you might have a halfe otherwise said you would not <continue> at soe small a part. But suppose I was to represent three quarters and that you would unjustly designe imposeing soe upon me I have already paid to yr order of the am't of all wages & other charges over & above <the Wood> more then three quarters of the amt of all wages & other charges unto the 13 of May if you will but looke over yr books, wch you omitted to send back to mee Soe by what Rule or Reason you should expect mee to make further advance exceeds my understanding. Pray peruse yr books consider this affaire, and as you either have regard to yr owne reputation or mine, timely order a supply of moneys to the workpeople. I have never beene remiss in paying & pressed you to a full stating of the accompt in the <foresd> tyme, and you told mee that needed not untill August, at which tyme you would bee back, and I doe not finde the workemen have had money att any tyme but what hath come from mee and can never gett any rationall acct how the money was expended. Soe this is an unhappy undertakeing to bee thus <used>. Whatever shall bee my proportion att Lambes [Lammas – 1st August?] May it to three quarter part of the Mynes if you shall continue soe unreasonablie as to demand it I shall clear it But in the <rit….> being in soe great advance , I will not make advance of one shilling; this imprudent management hath made a great reflecion in me, as if we had nothing to doe with our money but to gratifie a <rascality> of <vi… .eud> idle persons, the money already <waisted> if had been frugally might have brought the worke to a certainty for Lead Oare all the Countery <conclude> their is abandance their as well as at <Hoptons> works adjacent & I expect you keepe forward the worke till August at wch tyme god willing I shall attend you upon this place; and not a farthing on my part shall bee wanting. I remane Sr yr most humble servt. [Annotated :] Svll Lres sent Mr Blackett
RH15/102/6/2/111. A draft of a letter with many parts crossed out and rewritten. From the mention of Mr Vermuyden, it appears to date from 1676 as it was in the spring of this year that Blackett expressed concerns to Standsfield regarding vermuyden’s involvement in the mining venture. From context the letter dates between 13th May and the 1st August. Blackett was in Wanlockhead in late May 1676 so a date of 10th June is given here for this reply