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Mr. Bell Newcastle 14th Decemr. 1802. Hexham Abbey Dear Sir I yesterday received Mrs. Beaumonts Letter of the 11th. inst. enclosing yours of the 30th Ulto. which she desires me to answer. As she takes no Notice of what you wrote respecting the Security upon the Tolls of the new Branch Road, you will keep it in your hands, until you hear further.- As the late Tenant of the Colliery on Hexham Fell, died insolvent and was by Agreement bound to fill up the Pits, it certainly must be done in such Manner as may be most advisable; I think that either myself or T. Crawhall jr. by Letter desired you to receive of Mr. Errington the £5 a year, as well as all the Arrears for Cocklaw, however if you have not already done so, you will please to do it. The Boots for the Use of the Men when repairing the Race of the Mill, will be very necessary; Coln. & Mrs. Beaumont are of Opinion that it will be fair & reasonable that the Miller should be at one half of the Expence, they at the other half, he will have them in his Possession & will of Course be interested in the Preservation of them.- You may no Doubt distribute £20- to the Poor of Hexham at Christmas, as Mrs. Beaumont in her Letter to me does not say to the Contrary. --- I am &c.---J.E.B.