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Mr Ruddock Newcastle 26th Novr 1791 Attorney at Law Hexham Sir I have just had the Pleasure of seeing Mr Walton who informs me that he has received a Letter from the Commissioners and Governors of Greenwich Hospital and I think it likely he would meet the agents of Sr Thomas Blackett Bart upon the Ground to set out the Boundary between the Regality of Hexham and the Barony of Langley as claimed by the two adjoining Lords if he had any intimation from Sir Thomas or any of his agents that this seems a Thing wished by Sir Thomas <preparative> to drawing a line of Boundary between the two Claims by two different Persons one to be chosen by Sir Thomas Blackett’s agent and the other by the Receivers of Greenwich Hospital and the two persons to be agreed upon to attend at the Time of Setting out the respective Claims and after this the two indifferent Persons to mark out a Line of a Boundary so as to give an equal Quantity of the disputed Ground to each Lord and the New Line of Boundary to be confirmed by by the Act of Parliament. The Expence of Setting the Boundary I suppose will be expected to be paid one half by Sir Thomas Blackett and the other by Greenwich Hospital I believe Greenwich Hospital will have no Objection to the above mentioned Terms but as Sir Thomas Blackett is Lord of the Waste Ground now intended to be divided the proposition should in my opinion come from Some of Sir Thomas’s Agents I am Sir Your most hble Servt John Fryer