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Sir (Sep. 2 1797) I deem it is a duty incumbent upon me to advise you of those litigious individuals who Opposed the late Assessm[en]t for the Relief of the Poor of the Parish of Allendale, and as it did sufficiently appear, that a great deal of their Venom was spit at Mr. Beaumont; notwithstanding the dayly advantages that accrued to them, in consequence of their Tenants having dayly employment under the Lord of the Mannor as aforesaid, I must leave it to your Judgement whether it does not interfere with Justice and the Interest of Mr. Beaumont; to harbour such Vipours under him as he has it in his power to diminish the Value of their Estates 1/3 at least, by discharging them from his Works (Principals). (Tenants) to Robert Hornsby Edward Robson William Armstrong, John Smith Robert Hornsby Robert Middleton, Thomas Dent, John Gills, John Coats. William Ridley Jun. John Hutchinson, Thomas Walton, Jacob Robinson, John Pearson, Wilson Glenesey, John Wallace N.B. I Expect the Rate to be finished at a Vestry to be Held on on friday at two O'clock I am Yours Respectfully Jona. Shield &C Mr John Bell, Hexham Abbey