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To Mr Denton Newcastle 31st May 1734 Dr Sr. We are told that Mr Carr has formed a petition against Mr Blackett upon the Acco[un]t of his giving two Plates to our Races, as you will see by the News paper Inclosed, wch its Insisted upon (its) Contrary to the Act 7th Wm 3d, as being advertised after the Test of the Writt, the first Advertisement was I believe after the Date of the Writts, but the Plates were given the 4th Aprill before the Writts were out. The thing seems a Meere Trifle & cant surely be construed to be a breach of the above or any other Act of Parliament. Its not the first Plate he has given to the Town, if it were, Its not easy to find out <wther> publick or private Corruption in it. I am very certain he has not gained a Vote by it. It was done by the Advice of Aldm Ridley, & I wish it had been let alone. You are desired on Receipt hereof to take the best Opinion upon it, in as private a Manner as possible, & send it by the Return of the Post to Mr Blackett at Calverley In Yorkshire, & pray favour me at the same time w[i]th your thoughts what Construction may reasonably be supposed will be put upon this affair, if it should be brought before the House. You receive by the Post a letter from Mr Blackett about Mr Groces Affair, You will receive In a Fortnights time a bill for £200 or £220, as to the rest you must manage as well as you can Mr Steel sent the Execution ag[en]t Manners to the Sheriff who would not grant a warrant, but said he would take care of it, what return he will make I know not. I dont find wee are like yet to get the Money. I am Sr Yrs etc J R Post Wee are told Mr Carr has actually Sent up a Petition & that Sir R…t has Given it his Approbation