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Mr Bar[tholomew]: Harle Ditto [Newcastle 10 February 1677] I hope you are well gott to London should bee glad to heare the newes thereof from yo[u]r owne hands I this day speake to Cosen Kirkehouse who desired mee Write you that whereas hee formerly Ordered one Locksmith to call upon you for a £100 money that was dew unto him s[ai]d Locksmith nott haveinge occation here now desires you to pay s[ai]d sume to my Order w[hi]ch w[i]th w[ha]t more you have a minde to bee payd unto yo[u]r Wife or unto my other In this place upon yo[u]r owne Account pray pay unto M[esseu]rs Humphrey Wil[l]ett and Company or Order upon sight of whose Recipt shall repay itt here againe I shall bee Glad to heare you would resolve to beginn the Amsterdam Trade you know w[ha]t I sayd unto you I desire yo[u]r well faire soe remaynes yo[u]r well wisher M:B: