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mr Charles & Ja[mes]: Banckes Newcastle August 20: 1677 Sirs This Comes to accompany Hen[ry]: Laws, who I have freighted upon your acco[un]t, and Inclosed you have a Copy of the Charter partie, you have alsoe Inclosed an Innoyce of his Loadeing amounting unto £ [blank] w[hi]ch I have placed to your Debitt I must desire your Excuse for 14/d[ays] In not sending you the acco[un]t of your wooden Commodities, In request of some difference att prresent betwixt me and my Customer, In the delivery thereof, w[hi]ch will be Ended in two or three daies, but then our assizes Comes on, att w[hi]ch times I cannott possible be att Leasure being att the time to waite upon our Judges, In short It shall be sent you as soone as is possible, and w[ha]t more will be dew unto you, shall be disposed of as you shall Command me, soe wishing the vessell to his desired porte I remaine M:B mr Ch[arles]: & James Banckes Newcast;e August the 21: 1677 Sirs The above is Coppy of w[ha]t writ you yesterday by Hen[ry]: Laws but he sailing att tide before he Expected, and before he desired me to send downe my Letters, is the reason that you have moe Letters by him ~ Inclosed you have all the papers above mentioned, to w[hi]ch I Referr you, and is the needfull att present from M:B