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Mr: Cha[rles]: and Ja[mes] Bankes Newcastle Ap[r]ill the 22d 1676 Sirs my last to you was of the 15th ditto to w[hic]h referrs you Since have Rec[eive]d yo[u]rs of the 7th and 11th present and doe heartily thank you for yo[u]r advise In the former, But Mr Jno Strother I doe nott feare, nor doe I blame him for serving of himselfe, soe pray lett not this hinder you from accepting of his Bills you have mee allwayes att the helme, if any loss itt will be myne, for bee assured w[ha]tever s[ai]d J: S: drawes upon you, upon my account as you reimburrse yo[u]r selfe yo[u]r Bill shall be hono[u]red~ In yo[u]r latter takes notice of RD [rijksdaalder] 300: chardges upon you upon my account by the above mentioned J S: payable 3/10 sight yo[u]r complyanse to the same In every respect question nott, haveinge as full an Order for the doeinge thereof as I can give you, And as Bills falls due spare nott to reimburse yo[u]r selfe upon mee Sir/ you would doe mee a greate kindnesse if by the first opportunity you would please to send mee an Ame of Right old Hocke I am sure there is Excelent in yo[u]r place, soe pray by yo[u]r hands for once the Cost thereof please to place to my account; pray send forward the Inclosed; In doeinge whereof you will oblidge MB:
Note 1. Aam - a Dutch measurement for wine