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Mr Hen[ry]: Maister Ditto [Newcastle 18 November 1676] Sir formerly I have had the happinese of Corresponding a little with you, w[hi]ch Emboldens mee to write you these few lines desiring att your Leasure that if you still bee in the way of trade, you would please to advise mee the price of all sorts of Iron with you; especially sock mouldes, Coulter mouldes, pann plaites and stroker plaites I doe not question but iff a quantity bee desired you can procure mee as cheape as any other or recommend mee to one that can doe itt your answer pray afford unto M:B:
1. ‘Sock’ and ‘Coulder’ and ‘Mo[u]ld board’ are parts of a plough. Pann plates could be plates for building salt-pans for salt production from salt water