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Mess[eiu]rs Hum[phrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle xber [December]: the 16th: 1676 Sirs Inclosed you have a bill for £500=:3 of w[hi]ch w[he]n dew I pray procure the needfull and place itt to <to> account I have this day drawne upon you these followinge billes vizt one for a £180 payable 28/d[ays] after date To Mr Edw[ard]: Callender or Order vallew of Mr Geo[rge]: Murton .......................... £180:=:= one for £120 payable 28/d[ays] after date To Henry Ashurst Esq[ui]re or Order vallew of S[ai]d Murton ........................................ £120:=:= As allso one other Bill for £20:=:= payable 4/d[ays] sight To to Mr Matthias Hunter or Order vallew of Mr Allexander Simpson .................£20:=:= one more for £32:7:= payable 30/d[ays] Sight to Henry Ashurst Esq[ui]re or Order valew of Mr Geo[rge]: Murton .............................£32:7:= In all £352:7:= To w[hi]ch lett all dew hono[u]r be given I have before mee yo[u]rs of the 9th unanswred In the first place for the future In yo[u]r Supersaription pray leave out the word worshippfull ti's a title I neither desire nor deserve ~ Jno Fawsett nott yett arrived I suppose hee may bee w[i]th you for I heare that Theames hath beene frozen upp for some time ~ Lett mee have noe more talke of the Coursness of my Leed; I shall nott trouble you w[i]th any more I know ti's as good Melting Leed as any is in England; but I see yo[u]r Customers Intends to play upon you but soe they shall nott upon mee you say you are offered £10:5:= by Some And by others £10:7:= pray take the most you can procure; but I hope you will privaile for ready money upon w[hi]ch Tearmes take £10:=:= rather then saile far short I leave itt to yo[u]r discretion; Soe doe therein w[ha]t you thinke convenient Soe I remayne MB: