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Newcastle Aprill 27 1678 Mr Hump: Willett Sr I have yours of the 18 and 20th present am sorry for the bad markett for my oats, noe remedy but patience, I have as many more that must Come to your markett, for Can send them noe other where, your acct of the last have Examined, found right, and booked accordingly, Wm Leckes arrived with you from Hamb[urg] who hath in for mee 523 <bars> of square Iron wch pray Receive, and Lay by you in a Convenient place till Roger Kempe Come up againe, that soe they may be shipt In him for this place, and be sure in this businesse putt mee to as little Charges as possible Can be and if sd Lecke Come for this place, they need not be removed he himselfe will bring them upon receipt send your man about this businesse and upon sight of this letter sd Lecke will dd you the Iron if occation be I have more Leed Lying by mee, but you never give mee any Encouradgem[en]t nor doe you advise mee w[ha]t sort of Grindstones are most vendable wth you, which pray doe p[er] first Convenience I am MB