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Hon[oure]d Sir Ditto [Newcastle 10 February 1677] I am Entread by my Cousen Edward Greene to desire the followinge kindnesse of you w[hi]ch is that whereas his Brother Joseph Greene hath bought W[illia]m Leacke his fly Boate hee doth begg that you would bee pleased to venture yo[u]r eight part w[i]th him if incase you thinke itt Inconvenient In respect of any former Ingagem[en]t yett if you would say the Word for a 1/16 hee would bee very thankefull and this beinge the first kindnesse of ever Soe requested of you hee hopes you will nott deny him – twi'll bee more newes to advise you of Mr Blaney beinge dead and buried for I question nott but you know itt p[er] yesterdayes Post; whereon one might have found the old proverb to be true old freinds for sakeinge him pray S[ir] bee pleased; to Speake to Mr Rushworth in the behalfe of the Goaler who hath beene att a Great charge w[i]th him and w[ha]t you doe I am sure will bee very satisfactory whether you procure him any thinge or nothinge though some what would bee very welcome my humble service to my Lady w[i]th my love and Respects to all other freinds and duty to yo[u]r selfe wishinge you all health and happinesse and most humbly craveinge yo[u]r Blessinge I remayne as In duty bound MB:
To Sir William Blackett, MB's father