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To Mr John Ibbetson Esqr. Farnacres 6th September 1772 Sir For these two years past, we have had repeated applications from the Smelters and Refiners at Langley Lead Mill, to have pieces of Ground to enable them to keep Cows for the use of their Families; alleging that amongst those that keep Cows now, having every thing to buy, it comes so expensive to them, that they cannot bear it, and being far from a Town or Neighbourhood they are under difficulties in making provision for themselves. We saw the reasonableness of this request, and that it would be of benefit to this undertaking that they should be accommodated with Ground; but as all the Hospitals Lands are under Lease, it could not be done except by Treaty with the Tenant: accordingly we applied to and have made a conditional Agreement with Thomas Brown of Langley Castle, who rents the Premisses surrounding the Mill; to take from his Farm 82A 2R 8P of Ground including what is spoiled and occupied by the Mill, and already occupied by Mr Mulcaster as a Farm amounting to 27A 2R 18P which were formerly agreed for at the price of 6s6d p Acre: there will therefore be an addition of 53A 3R 30P of which 9A 35P must be further taken to amount of spoil by the Mill, which has gradually extended itself beyond its first bounds; so that there will remain 45A 2R 35P which is proposed to be divided into four little Farms, for the Workmen occupying Cottages built at the Mill; with a small addition to Mr Mulcaster; for which Farms after being parcelled out, they have agreed to pay a Rent that will make up the additional Rent to be paid Thomas Brown, and something to spare towards paying 5pCent for the Interest (which they agree fully to making good) of such Sum of Money, as may be laid out in dividing and inclosing the said parcels and in converting a Cottage and Holm now upon the Premisses into proper conveniences for the said Farms; which Cottage & Holm, it is agreed shall be given up by Thomas Brown & the Rent thereof included in the price for the Lands. We estimate those alterations including the Fencing which last it is proposed to plant with Quicks and Rail with Refuse Weedings of the Hospitals Ward at £40. We inclose a particular slate of the Rents which you are desired to lay before the Board when you communicate the above and we are Sir your most obed Servts NW Junr J S