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Mr Mulcaster. Farnacres. 20th February 1769 I would not have you give yourself any trouble about the particulars of the Expence of Smelting etc pFodder, but only to observe the Stock of Coals, Bone Ashes, Lime, Peats etc at the time of finishing the Smelting etc the Ore which was brought in last year. Nothing must be done at the Buddle above the Dam, til we ourselves come up, but I would have you buy the Slaggs you mention of the Man near Allendale Town if they are found upon, being seen to be of a proper sort and fit for the intended purpose. When Mr. Labourne comes, you will consult with him abt. bringing them to the Mill, and he will endeavour to get you a Buddle made at the West end of the Bingsteads as soon as possible. When you make up your Accounts for the Pay or some time before we will let you have the Particulars of what was paid each Carriageman upon the 31st October last. I am Your real Wellwisher NWJunr. PS. I desire you'll let me have an Account of the Quantity of Lead delivered for Newcastle, at the Mill, to the 10th instant inclusive shewing the Numbers of Pieces delivered to each Person, and of what kind of Lead.