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To Mr. Peter Mulcaster Farnacres 26th Decemr. 1778 Mr Mulcaster We have yours of the 19th inst. and the Silver is arrived at Newcastle. It gives us pleasure to see your produce so good in the reducing and we hope there will be no difficulty in settling the matter between Carr and Elliot but think Carr shd. pay a Guinea. It seems proper to continue John Craig, & to be sure Bill Brown never can be admitted to work for us again. You are desired to make a Tryal with Dunwoodie on the Terms and subject to the Conditions and restriction as to time which you mention When ever you think proper to come to Blaydon we beg you will do so and we shall be glad to see you when you come Before we give full directions about the Walling at Langley Mill shd. be glad to have your opinion how many Roods should be done and what you think it will cost p[er] Rood. We are sensible it will be rather difficult to judge of the expence but youll give us the best opinion you can. We have not yet seen Michl. Scroggs & if we do we shall referr him to you and think if we deal with him or any other for that article it shd. be for ready Money only and the price at least 4s:6d or 5s p[er] Cwt. * We either have given Mr Thornton Orders or shall give him, to take care about preventing Roads being made and particularly those you mention and we must beg your assistance by discharging every one that comes under your observation and making then pay some small acknowledgement. We are Yours &c W & T *PS Best Refinery Fume 4s:6d or 5s p[er] Cwt. Best Reducery Do 2:6 or 3s p[er] Cwt