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Mr Mulcaster Farnacres 4th December 1769 Your Letters of the 21st 22d 23d &24th Ult. were received in due course; and on the Subject of Barnetts Behaviour, we are now to inform you in answer in yours, that if he is able, careful and diligent, when he is at Work, it is no Affair of ours now he spends his Money, provided the Work does not materially Suffer in those intervals; when it does, there is sufficient Reason for discharging him, and on this footing there appears no necessity to stand upon much ceremony, whether by any fair Steps taken by the Agents he is disobliged or not. You are therefore ( without having regard to what a Effect it may have upon Barnatt or any other) at liberty to take in your relation, or such other Person as you see proper, whenever you please and think the Work will be served by it. I may not however be amiss to postpone this matter til after Christmas, and in the meantime, you can be enquiring whether the Young Man can come, which does not yet seem to be ascertained. It is not improbable but the taking on a Learner may be the likeliest means of preventing Barnatt making his Breaks, but let that be as it will we must not plague ourselves with a Man, who it appears, we shall be obliged, sooner or later, to dismiss. Your Letter of the 1st Instant is come to Hand and we shall be glad to see you at the Time mentioned. We desire there may be no Lead delivered at the Mill after the 23rd Instant, and the Operation must be made out including that day. It is necessary that we should have a compleat List of all the loose Materials etc, and Stock of all kinds at the Mill at Christmas in every year; such as Bellows, Hearth, Stones, Pokers, Shovels, Barrows etc. Tests and Refinery Materials, Bone Ashes, Peats, Coals, Cynders and Lime, Smith Shop Materials, Fire Grates etc in Office and your House; Tub and Materials for Washing Ore, or anything else you think of. After Mr Walton has fixed with you the Time you must give Notice to Mr Joe Hilton, who will come over and Assist you in doing this Business about which Mr Walton will give you particular directions when you come to Farnacres at Christmas. Mr Walton has not yet heard whether the Silver is arrived, but supposes it is as your Letter is received. Your employing an Additional Washer, as also the getting a pair of Additional Scales,is approved, and in general we must inform you that we shall have no objection, to your doing at all times, what shall appear to be for the good of the Undertaking which is under your management. We are Your most Hble Servts Walton & Smeaton