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To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Novem’r 26th 1742 We have nothing to trouble you with at present, except that of Sending you our Contingent Acct. of Payments, which we doe herewith for three months ending the 30th September last & we are Sir Your most Obed’t Serv’ts Nichos. Walton Hugh Boag Contingent Payments made on Acct. of the Derwentwater Estate from 30 June 1742 to 30 September 1742 Viz’t: 1742 Jul 16 pd. John Bell for assisting in making a mapp of Simonburn Common Encroachments etc £ -. 5. - pd Daniel Alder for postage of Letters -. -. 6 20 pd Robt. Naisbitt for Repairing Scremerston hall 4. 7. 3 pd Ditto what he paid Severall for Leading materials to Housing at Whittle & Lee houses 6.10. 2 31 pd Dan’l Alder for postage of Letters -. -.10 Aug 16 pd Richard Morrison for Carriage of Leases -. 1. 6 18 pd Severall Expenses Attending the Tryall abt High Green Colliery Assaults at Severall times -. 9. 2 28 pd Expenses about Amble estate enquiring for Evidence -. 5. 9 pd Mr Edward Carlisle for 2 Acquittances -. -. 8 Sep 1 pd John Joppling in part for Carrying a pair of Millstones to Scremerston Mill 2. 2. - pd Daniel Alder the 16 July last for his trouble & Loss of time in the Sessions at Hexham procuring Witnesses & presenting Severall that Cutt down and Carryed away a <Summer> tree from Highwood 1. 4.10 29 pd John Swinburn for Cleaning and Maintaining Dilston Clock 1 year due Lamas Last -.10. - pd Mr John Midford for Repairing Dilston Mill being unavoidable 1. 8. - pd Mr Abraham Bunting for his trouble and Loss of time in regulating and Settling the Landtax in Corbridge Parish for the Year 1742 -.15. - pd Ditto for 2 Deales and making a Gate for Dilston hall Court in the Oake Wood being all marked -. 8. 7 pd Ditto for 2000 Thorn quicks had and Planted on Matthew Browns farme at Langley -.10. - 29 pd Mr Ab. Bunting his disbursements in detecting and prosecuting Severall Wood Stealers who Cutt down and Carryed away a Summer tree from Highwood Vizt: 1742 Aug 3 pd 5 Constables and others for assisting to Seize the Tree -. 8.6 May 1 pd More for assistance when he went to Sell the things <Hamned> upon the Tree being Mobb’d -. 4.6 Pd More to Constables for dispersing the Mobb when Sir Edward Blackett read the Proclamation -. 4.- 2 pd expences etc going to the <Reawers> for directions how to proceed 4s. to the Constable for watching the Tree the 2 nights 2/6 -. 6.6 4 pd Mr Bent for drawing an Information In order to gett Warrants against Them -. 2.6 pd the Belman for Calling and discharging the Populace for Carrying away the Tree -. -.4 6 pd Thomas Patinson for his assistance & to pay the Doctor he being wounded by the Mobb -.13.- 9 pd more for assistance in Searching for the Tree -. 6.- pd <Mor> for assistance Searching for the Tree but could not find it -. 7.6 pd the Constable going to Langley Barony to take one of the offenders -. 4.6 Jul 12 pd Mr Wharton & Mr Dent their fees attend’g the Sessions -.19.- pd Thomas Pattinson for loss of time Attending Ditto -. 4.- pd Robert Martinson for loss of time Attending Ditto -. 9.- pd Loss of time & Expenses Severall Witnesses attending Ditto -.17.- £ 4.19. 4 Pd Mr Abraham Bunting what he paid the Caller for Selling William Elliotts Goods by Publick Sale -.10. 4 Sep 30 pd Mr Joseph Pearson his Disbursements as follows Thomas Ladyman for Repairing the Moot Hall and a shop in Keswick £-. 5. - Repairing Keswick Mill Viz’t Gawin Bowe for Spiling and Laying Timber £2.15. - John Grave for Carriage of Timber -. 7. 6 John Wilson & Dan’l Fisher for Stopping and Sanding the Dam -. 4. - Edwd. Nicholson for Smithwork 1. 2. 4 £4. 8.10 Repairing Housing on John Pearsons farme at Stable Hills viz’t. Thomas Temple for 5 Load of Lime £-. 6. 8 Jos. Dawson Building a new Chimney -.12. - Thomas Cocken for 3 foot of Glass - .1. 3 John Dawson for Repairing of Doors etc 5 1/2 days at 12 -. 5. 6 Edwd. Nicholson for Nails etc -. 4.11 £1.10. 4 Thomas Urwin for Casting 36 Rood of Ditch about the Lands at Nan Crook to prevent the same from being overflow’d by floods 1.16. - £8. -. 2 pd Joseph Pearson for Postage of Letters etc from 26 Mar last ending this day - 1. 8 pd Daniel Alder Expenses Attending the Commission at Morpeth relating the Amble Estate -. 4. 6 pd Do.s Expenses Attending the Commission at Newcastle Attorney Generall ag’t Robson & others -. 4. 6 pd John Airey Esq. on Acct. of Law Charges 63. -. - Sent the Board 26 Novem’r. 1742 £96. 4. 9