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Dear Sir I fear there may be some Difficulty to get the Act passed in a single Act for the Division of two Commons, but as they are in the same Manor and as upon the Face of the Bill it will appear that the Right of Common is in throughout both I hope to surmount the Difficulty, but Catton Townfields is entirely unconnected with the other Division as much as if the Lands lay in a different Manor and by inserting powers to divide them there must be a Certainty of having to pay double Fees - nay if the general Bill should be deemed double the further Expence woud make it treble I think you have sufficient Authority to sign Sir Thomas’ Name to the Petition, but I woud simply put his Name and not refer to the Authority because if you do, the letter (I apprehend) which gives you the power must be annexed - it woud be well I think to write somewhat like Sir Thomas’ hand, I do not mean for similer, because if a Member shoud look at the petition and be struck with the Dissimularity it may call for Explanation etc the Day you have mentioned, to wit, Friday Senight, will suit me and I will inform Mr Walton, he objects to the Mode of paying Damages and I fear we shall have some trouble to get him satisfied As to the Authority to raise Money it must not be in the Way expressed in Mr Ruddocks Draft - an Agreement shoud be executed by the parties authorizing a Committee of respectable persons to raise the money, and then such Committee may borrow the Money at a Bank, and procure me a Letter of Credit upon a Banking house in London, by this Means Interest will be saved, as I shall only take what is wanted and when it is to be paid - Or the Committee may give me their joint & sevl Notes and I can take up the Money upon my Judment and give a Rect to the Committee for so much on Accot. W Milbank & Mr Burdon have both volunteered their Services to assist us in getting thro’ the House, but we must have the County Members to play the first Fiddle - Sir Sir Wm Middletons State of Health makes me incline to desire Mr Grey to take the Lead - he attends constantly, and can draw a phalanx of Members - Mr Brandling will do any thing, and I have interest with several Other Members I approve of advertising a Meeting to sign the Consent Bill but the place where must depend upon you, Allendale seems the most centreral, is there any place in the Shire that woud suit - we cannot yet fix the time, the Bill I mean the Drat must be first gone thro’ for I doubt there will be many Riders to be added to meet the wishes of all parties I will when I send up the petition desire Mr Grey to inform me as to the probable time of parliaments Sitting - that I may regulate Matters accordingly, it is to be wished that there may be Sufficient time to get the Bill begun & carried thro’ after Easter Holidays - for if it must be carried up before there will be no Chance of finishing it before good Friday - and it will occasion a Heavy Addition of Expence to stay in Town during the Holidays doing nothing Yrs truly Ralph Heron Newcastle 20 Feb 1792