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To Mr John Cross Attor[ney] at Law in leeds Newcastle 26 July 1758 Dr. Sir Sir W[alte]r desires you will pay John Horn the sum of £6 for intr[es]t of £200 & take his receipt for the same according to the inclosed [see below] or w[ha]t other form you think more proper. I presume you know that Ben Horn left this £200 to be divided among his Relations after his bro[the]rs death, who is to have the intr[es]t thereof during his life. If Sir Wr. do not desire Mr Strother to repay you this £6 you may indorse the receipt & make the contents rec[eiv]ed of me & I will pay the money to your Order. I am etc JR Rec[eiv]ed of Sir Wr. Blackett Bt. at the hand of Mr Jno. Cross the sum of two pounds for half a yrs intr[es]t of £100 due 13 June last & the sum of £4 for a yrs intr[es]t of £100 on Mr Mark harveys note to my late Bro[the]r Ben Horn due 1st May last wch note is in Sr. Wrs. hand. As witness my hand the .......... £6.0.0