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Mr Jam: Burkin and Compy. Newcastle xber the 30th 1679 Sirs Yours of the 25th Instant have Received <since> my advice of the Councills referring himselfe to you (he severall times asking me if I had heard from you) did take upon me to give him 20s with wch hw was very well satisfied, and I believe has not beene better employed these 7 years, Soe I know no reason of giving him any more, especially he being Soe <lucky> as appears by the 3rd line, if you be Contente I am Satisfyed he is the like Soe no more of that as for my selfe doe returne you my thankes, assuring you had my trouble been much more, itt should never have been brought to acct. being allwayes willing to Serve my friends, out of the marchds. way, gratis, who thinks me qualifyed to Serve them In this way, if wt I have done, answer yr expectations tis Satisfaction enough if over and above, when Shipp you you will send me a paire of Gloves for a token I will accept of them I will dewly Comply with Alderman Skinners bill come wn it will, and Chardge the remainder att pleasure abating £1.12.9, pray advise me if anything Shipp be taking on for Marseilles or Livorne and you will oblidge M B