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Mr Jno Launce ditto Sir I had long agoe advised the Saile and delivery of my Leed but have not heard from you these 2 m[onths] att which I doe not a little wonder, for might have expected Some mony remitted ere this att least a word or two of the proceedings, or occurrences with you, which I soe carefully desired you to doe once in 14 d[ays] and I doe hereby desire itt once againe - I doe not question your utmost Endeavours for my most advantadge I doe really believe you did for the best but Consider what loss I Sustained for the keepeing of my Leed, whereas I could have had the price upon arrival, Indeed I am allwaies for letting goods goe att price Currt but I shall acquiesce and allwaies Submitt to your discretion, to which I wholly defer all my Concerns, that I shall att any time In trust you with all, and `more I Cannot say Inclosed is bill of Loading for 20 Caskes of Leed Oare by the Referee of London Capt Richard Boucher Com’nder for account in ½ betwixt Mr Tho. Smith and myselfe after arrival receive, and dispose thereafter for our most advantidge, which wee leave to your prudent manadgement the weight of each Caske Mr Smith will advise you in his letter we have 120 Caskes more at London for yr place and Livorne, as opportunity falls out, how many Comes to you, shall have advice In time, I intend you a good quantity of Leed by the Herring Fleet, I have pitched upon Mr Hurbt Aylwin att London, and Edmund Thackster att Yarmouth for the Conveyancing of my goods unto you, if you think them fit persons tis well, if not pray advise me, for if they send of the same goods I am not for them I must have persons that trade not in the same Commodities and such pray recommend me too in doeing whereof you will oblidge MB