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Mr John Theobald Newcastle January the 28: 1678/9 I have received yours of the 25th and have acquainted Sir Wm. with the whole business, and all yesterday afternoon wee were discoursing the business with Mr Ile and Mr Wall, in the conclusion my fathers positive Resolution is to give sixteen years purchase at £75: per Annum without disbursing any more mony upon a mortgage, provided declarations be made for the Lords Rent, and the Whitsuntide Rent is paid aforehand, otherwise fifteen yeares purchase and one halfe and to disburse foure hundred pounds more upon the other security provided that the interest of £600: be allowed mee for 6 m[onths] in respect that is the custome of all purchases to pay but halfe ready mony and the other halfe Six months after, soe he having itt all in hand itt is thought very convenient to have Consideration for the same allowed - If this be accepted of by Mr Robt. Ile faile not to return me an Answer per next post, for I must steare another course as well as you say you must, and if resolved upon lett mee know whether Monday or Tuesday next you will have mee to Come over to Conclude all and itt shall be observed by MB