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John Otway of Newcastle upon Tyne Merchant: Aprill 25th 1684 Newcastle upon: Tyne Deposeth: that in the Month of February Last, in the beginning of the same Month, being on board a Shipp; whereof Samuell Fuller of Gateshead, in the County of Durham was Ma[ste]r in their return from Bourdeaux, in France, neare the Coast of England, these Fuller and this Depont. happened, some discourse; about the Governm:t of the Kingdome of England, and this Depont. affirming, that the Kings Ma:tie our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the Second, was the father of the Countrey in Severall Respects, (to which words the said Fuller replied,) he is father of my Arse; And Likewise there being discourse that his Royall Hignesse; James Duke of York was heir to the Crown of England; to which the said Fuller Answered, that the said Duke of York was pockified, or had the pox or words to that purpose; & severall other times in the said voyage; (notwithstanding he was reproved by this depont. & in Timothy Rumney a Merchant, aboard the said ship) the said Fuller did speake; much, in disgrace & disparagem:t of his said Royall Highnesse. And he further saith that the reason, why he deferred Informeing till now was for that he had not till within those few days cloased his Accounts, with the said Fuller, for the Said Voyage: John Otway Timothy Rumney of Newcastle upon Tyne Merchant, Aprill 25th 1684 Deposeth he haveing heard the above written Information, read t[ha]t the same is true; and further saith, that in the said voyage, about the same time he heard the said Fuller, say that he believed the King was a papist; (or was a papist, in his heart, or words to the like purpose; Tim:o Rumney Capt et Jurat Cora nobis Wm. Blackett Maior Tim: Davison Matthew Jeffreyson [reverse annotated:] Newcastle March 1684 Information agt Fuller for words
British Library Add MS 41803 f75 witness deposition